
 CAREC in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan joined CAREC in 2010 and embraces the program’s vision of an integrated and globally connected region. The country is participating in the planning of regional projects in transport, trade, and energy security.

The country’s membership in CAREC boosts the program’s goal of building greater connectivity through six international transport and trade routes. Now that all five Central Asian countries—Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan—are members of the program, there are no missing links in CAREC’s transit trade routes between East Asia and the Mediterranean.

CAREC Corridor 2, 3, and 6  pass through Turkmenistan, connecting the country to a network that extends west through Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe; eastward to the PRC, north to Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation, and south to Pakistan’s warm-water ports of Karachi and Gwadar, on the Arabian Sea.

Key Projects

Turkmenistan is taking part in a drive to put Central Asia’s landlocked nations at the heart of an expansive and integrated transport network across Eurasia.

As of 2023, more than $2.21 billion has been invested in four projects. Turkmenistan is looking forward to participating in regional initiatives that will benefit the development of its economy.

View all CAREC projects in Turkmenistan