Strengthening CAREC, 2007–2012


The technical assistance (TA) enables the CAREC Program to implement the comprehensive action plan and the sector strategies (transport, trade facilitation, trade policy, and energy) which are being prepared. It also strengthens the collaborative approach to concept development design, and implementation of concrete projects and policy actions.

Expected Outcome

Effective functioning of the CAREC Program's overall institutional framework

Expected Outputs

  • CAREC forums and sector committees fully supported
  • Analytical work and results-oriented planning fully supported
  • Enhanced salience of regional cooperation at high levels of government

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 5
CAREC Governments 0.2
Asian Development Bank 3 Supplementary - approved 2010
Asian Development Bank 0.75 Supplementary - approved 2011
Asian Development Bank 1 Supplementary - approved 2011
Total 9.95