Kyrgyz Republic: Climate-Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project


The project will provide a loan to the Kyrgyz Republic to channel through qualified participating financial institutions who will on-lend to horticulture-related value chain businesses for investments in refrigerated vehicles, cold storage facilities, primary processing equipment (grading and/or sorting platforms, washing facilities, packaging equipment) and value addition processing equipment together with associated fixed assets such as warehouses and buildings. The project will address the critical constraint of providing long-term financial resources for agri-business in the Kyrgyz banking system. In parallel, it will provide support to value chain participants to consolidate the delivery of quality horticultural produce from participating farmer groups and key members of identified value chains. As the horticultural subsector generates high value produce, the project will contribute significantly to creating sustainable enterprises, increasing employment, and improving household incomes.

Expected Outcome

Supplies of fresh and processed horticultural produce in domestic and international markets increased

Expected Outputs

Lending by PFIs to support horticulture value chain development increased Horticulture value chains strengthened

Project Types

Grant, Loan


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 20 Grant 0925-KGZ: Climate-Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project
Asian Development Bank 20 Loan 4413-KGZ: Climate-Resilient Agricultural Value Chain Development Project
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic 0.85
Other Fund Sources 11.52
Total 52.37