Naryn Area-Based Development Programme


The goal of the program is to reduce poverty in Naryn province through the creation of conditions for balanced and sustainable socioeconomic development that will benefit around 30,000 people from vulnerable groups.

Expected Outcome

The program will support national and local institutions, in several districts of the province, in creating an enabling environment for business development, as well as the development and implementation of projects for socioeconomic development. Local communities, farmers and small and medium-sized businesses will participate in the implementation of the projects

Expected Outputs

The main components of the program are (i) development of agricultural business, (ii) improvement of vocational education, (iii) and support for local initiatives through small grants funds.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
United Nations Development Programme 0.249
Government of Russia 1.449
Total 1.698