Issyk-Kul Ring Road Improvement Project


The provision of a sovereign loan of up to € 44.2 million ("Loan") to the Kyrgyz Republic ("KR"), for the benefit of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic ("MoTC"), for the reconstruction of an estimated 30 km Balbay Batyr-Karakol road section, located in the eastern part of KR along the northern shore of Issyk-Kul Lake.

Expected Outcome

The proposed project is an integral part of a longer 440 km long Balykchy-Karakol-Balykchy Road rehabilitation programme, part of the Issyk-Kul Ring Road. Remaining sections were financed by the KR state budget, and Islamic development financial institutions, and partially proposed to be financed by the Asian Development Bank. The EBRD Loan will include financing of the road rehabilitation works and contract supervision services. After the Project completion, the whole Balykchy-Karakol Road should comply with the Category II international technical standard. The Project will close the remaining infrastructure gap on 440 km long Issyk-Kul ring road which is part of CAREC 1 corridor and is one of the six priority transport links identified in the national Road Sector Development Strategy 2025, to foster economic development and connectivity as well as strengthen the KR's integration into regional markets.

Expected Outputs

The Project is expected to: (i) bring the current road to motorway standards; (ii) increase transport volume of freight and passengers between the countries of the region.

Project Types



Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 44.2 In Euros
Total 44.2