Customs Modernization Project


The project, primarily financed by an ADB loan, has the following three components: A. Migrating and upgrading of GAMAS

  • migration and upgrade of Mongolian Customs Automated Data Processing System (GAMAS) to provide an electronic processing environment supporting internet-enabled and Windows-based systems,
  • interfacing GAMAS with the planned national single electric window (SEW) as part of e-government initiatives, and
  • improvement of communications and network infrastructure.
B. Improvement of customs infrastructure
  • improvement of customs border facilities and provision of equipment, such as X-ray machines and surveillance equipment at key customs houses and border posts; and
  • Provision of equipment to enhance the analytical capacity of customs laboratories, including construction of a data center in the new headquarters building of the Mongolian Customs General Administration.
C. Institutional strengthening
  • implementation and further enhancement of business processes;
  • training in relation to the first two components, following a detailed training plan to be formulated at the beginning of project implementation;
  • promotion of interagency coordination, in particular with the State Specialized Inspection Agency and the Mongolia Agency for Standardization and Metrology, and regional cooperation with neighboring and CAREC countries; and
  • promotion of public-private sector partnerships, including support for private sector consultation and participation, and conducting quality and compatibility testing of software used by the trading community for interfacing with the upgraded GAMAS in an electronic processing environment.

Expected Outcome

The project will increase the volume of trade and facilitate the smooth flow of external trade of Mongolia by improving efficiency, transparency, and sustainability in customs services and administration.

Expected Outputs

  • Migration and upgrading of the GAMAS system to an internet-enabled enviroment and central database which was upgraded to Customs Automated Information System (CAIS)
  • Improvement of infrastructure at selected major customs houses and customs border posts, including provision of inspection and laboratory apparatus.
  • Institutional strengthening, comprising business process re-engineering, capacity building, interagency coordination, regional cooperation, and public-private partnership

Project Types



Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
Asian Development Bank 5
Government of Mongolia 0.09
e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund (Republic of Korea) 0.5
Total 5.59