Aid for Trade in Uzbekistan


The project endeavors to support the Government of Uzbekistan to enhance national capacities and bringing international expertise to support the country’s WTO accession process, as well as building productive and export capabilities, for niche products, which will be identified in the agricultural, agroindustrial, and also in other employment-rich and potentially green sectors to contribute to more economically, social and environmentally sustainable growth.

Expected Outcome

The main development challenge at the current development stage of Uzbekistan to be addressed by the project is to ensure that the potential of trade is harnessed in ways, which contribute to more inclusive and sustainable development pathways.

Expected Outputs

  • Growth and development are inclusive and sustainable, incorporating productive capacities that create employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded.
  • Support Uzbekistan’s WTO accession process;
  • Enabling policies and regulations for inclusive and trade oriented private sector development;
  • Trade support institutions that provide efficient services for private sector;
  • More efficient and competitive producers and processors contributing to sustainable human development.

Project Types

Technical Assistance


Funding AgencyAmount (USD millions)Notes
United Nations Development Programme 1.067 Government of Russian Federation: 1
Total 1.067