Cross-Border Trade and Transport Facilitation The goal of the technical assistance (TA) was to promote economic growth and reduce poverty in Afghanistan by enhancing cross-border and transit trade with neighboring countries.
Formulating and Implementing an Intergovernmental Agreement of the SCO Member States on Facilitation of International Road Transport To promote transport, trade, and tourism among the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member countries, the technical assistance helps formulate and implement an intergovernmental agreement to facilitate international road transport.
Capacity Building on Selected WTO and Doha Development Agenda Issues The technical assistance will promote the full integration of ADB DMCs into the WTO multilateral trading system. It will assist in increasing awareness and expertise of senior officials responsible for WTO and Doha Round issues.
Andkhoy–Qaisar Road Project The project includes reconstruction and improvement of the 210-kilometer Andkhoy–Qaisar section of the national primary ring road, installation of toll facilities including toll plazas and weighing machines for newly improved primary roads in Afghanistan, and project management support to the Ministry of Public Works.
MONGOLIA: Formulating a Transport Strategy (2005–2015) The technical assistance aims to improve transport performance to facilitate sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in Mongolia by helping the government formulate a transport strategy for 2005-2015.
Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program, Phase II The purpose of this regional technical assistance was to continue work initiated under TA 6058-REG by supporting Phase II of the Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program (RTFCCP), the broad goal of which was to facilitate trade among CAREC countries (and between CAREC and the rest of the world) by developing simplified and harmonized customs legal frameworks and trade procedures.
Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening for Customs Modernization and Infrastructure Development (Kyrgyz Republic Component) The technical assistance was a continuation of ADB’s support for customs reforms and modernization following the 2002 launch of the Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program (RTFCCP). During the initial phase of the RFTCCP, ADB supported the strengthening of legal and regulatory framework and the operational efficiency of customs organizations through a program loan and a regional TA.
Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening for Customs Modernization and Infrastructure Development (Tajikistan Component) This advisory technical assistance (TA) was a continuation of ADB support for customs reform and modernization for Tajikistan following the launch of the Regional Trade Facilitation and Customs Cooperation Program in December 2002 under the CAREC Program.
Regional Customs Modernization and Infrastructure Development Project (Kyrgyz Republic Component) The objectives of the project are to (i) improve the efficiency and transparency of customs services and reinforce the ongoing customs legal reforms and simplification of customs procedures; and (ii) facilitate regional trade and promote regional customs cooperation through concerted customs reforms and modernization in the region.
Regional Customs Modernization and Infrastructure Development Project (Tajikistan Component) The project aims to (i) improve the efficiency and transparency of customs services and reinforce the ongoing customs legal reforms and simplification of custom procedures and (ii) facilitate trade and promote regional customs cooperation through concerted customs reforms and modernization in the region.
Improving Road Maintenance and Strengthening the Transport Corridor Management Department Piggybacked on the Southern Transport Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project loan, the technical assistance helps the Ministry of Transport and Communications improve maintenance of the Kyrgyz road network.
Regional Airports Rehabilitation Project, Phase 1 The project will help the government reconstruct Afghanistan by rehabilitating regional airports damaged during two decades of conflict and neglect.
Southern Transport Corridor Road Rehabilitation Project The project will promote economic growth and reduce poverty by improving the transport network and increasing regional trade and cooperation through rehabilitation of the road linking the Kyrgyz Republic, the People's Republic of China, and Uzbekistan.
Greater Silk Road Initiative 2005 The regional technical assistance (TA) was expected to contribute to economic growth and reduced poverty in CAREC countries through support for regional economic cooperation.
Dushanbe–Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project, Phase II The technical assistance (TA) will assist the government in preparing the Dushanbe-Kyrgyz Border Road Rehabilitation Project (Phase II) for Asian Development Bank financing.
Central Asia Regional Cooperation in Trade, Transport, and Transit The technical assistance will support increased regional economic cooperation in Central Asia. It will enhance analytical underpinnings of regional cooperation in Central Asia in the areas of trade, transport, and transit.
Yevlax–Ganja Road Rehabilitation Project The technical assistance has to prepare a feasibility study for the planning of the Yevlax-Ganja road rehabilitation project suitable for an Asian Development Bank financing.
Master Plan for Road Network Improvement Project The purpose of the technical assistance is to (i) develop a road development program for efficient and effective road rehabilitation for the next 5–10 years, taking into account operation and maintenance (O&M) financing requirements; and (ii) prepare a high priority road improvement project for ADB’s follow-on investment.
Regional Road Development Project The project will increase the efficiency and safety of domestic and international transit traffic between the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation through Mongolia’s north–south road transport corridor.
Improved Management of Shared Water Resources in Central Asia The technical assistance (TA) – Asian Development Bank’s first regional initiative in Central Asia that helped to depoliticize regional water discussions – aimed to achieve sustainable and efficient water management in the region.