Showing 1 - 20 of 332 results

Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project

The proposed project will build on lessons learned from past and ongoing projects of ADB in water resources in Uzbekistan. It will undertake a long-term, strategic and knowledge-based approach. The project will deliver climate adaptive solutions to water resources management by modernizing irrigation and drainage in selected subprojects within the Amu Darya and (selective reaches of the) Zarafshan River Basins in Uzbekistan.

Railway Sector Reform Program, Subprogram 1

The proposed Railway Sector Reform Program aims to establish the economic and financial sustainability of the railway sector in Georgia, with profitability and debt service coverage ratios reestablished at effective levels. The program will provide a policy-based loan to assist in the reform of the Georgian railway system to strengthen financial stability and investment planning capacity through the provision of more efficient, demand-driven railway transport services for both freight markets and passenger public service obligations.

CAREC Corridor Development Investment Program (MFF, Tranche 2 )

Tranche 2 is aligned with the overall design of the MFF with the impact of regional connectivity and trade in the CAREC corridors enhanced, and will have the following outcome and the outcome of efficiency for road traffic along the CAREC corridors improved. Tranche 2 will deliver the two outputs: (i) to dualize the 222-km Shikarpur-Rajanpur section of N55 on the existing alignment to make the section a four-lane carriageway; and (ii) to help NHA to implement its upcoming training program for 5 years (2021-2025).

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