The Wuhan Action Plan charts the path of the CAREC Program
In October 2012, Ministers of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, the People’s Republic of China, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan endorsed the Wuhan Action Plan. The Action Plan will guide the CAREC Program in implementing the CAREC 2020 strategic framework. It has identified three priority areas of actions:
- Sector operational priorities. In transport, $23 billion will be invested in regional projects to complete the physical infrastructure of the CAREC corridors. In trade facilitation, agreed prioritized investments and technical assistance will support the CAREC 2020 agenda, and continue to identify key physical barriers to cross-border transport. Priority actions for the energy sector include developing the Central Asia–South Asia energy resource corridor, resolving regional dispatch issues, managing energy–water linkages, mobilizing funds to build energy assets, and implementing priority energy sector projects. CAREC will also continue to help member countries adopt more open trade regimes and facilitate intra- and interregional trade.
- CAREC Institute Work Plan 2013–2017. The Wuhan Action Plan supports the critical role of the CAREC Institute in providing knowledge support to CAREC priority sectors. The three components of the Strategic Knowledge Framework—knowledge generation, knowledge services, and knowledge management—will guide the next steps of establishing a regional physical base for the CAREC Institute.
- Transport Facilitation Action Plan. The Action Plan pushes for the removal of nonphysical barriers to inter-state and transit transport in the CAREC region, and offers future directions for transport facilitation arrangements.
The Wuhan Action Plan will be regularly reviewed and updated by the CAREC countries through the sector coordinating committees, the Senior Officials’ Meeting, and the Ministerial Conference. Read the full Wuhan Action Plan.