CAREC Workshop on Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring

The seminar was held to

  • discuss in more detail the technical issues in implementing the Time-Cost-Distance methodology and recent updates;
  • validate the appropriateness of selected CAREC corridors; and
  • finalize project schedule, partnership arrangements, and data consolidation procedures.

The main focus of the Corridor Performance Measurement and Monitoring (CPMM) is to measure and monitor periodically the situation along the links and nodes of each CAREC corridor, identify bottlenecks, and determine courses of action to take to address such bottlenecks.

The participants reached consensus on the data collection procedures, the modes of transport, and sub-corridors to be covered by the surveys and data consolidation and analysis arrangements. The workshop also created an effective forum among freight forwarders and road carriers associations to meet and discuss common areas of interests, and embark on innovative projects for their common good.

The workshop brought together officials of the customs administrations and carrier/freight forwarders associations from Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, PRC, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.


Event Materials