Regional Inception Workshop: Sustainable Tourism Development in the CAREC Region
Tourism focals from CAREC countries, private sector representatives, and development partners joined the regional inception workshop and first expert group meeting to identify challenges and regional initiatives and collaborative actions to foster partnerships and strengthen the competitiveness of the region in the tourism sector, and to develop a sustainable and more inclusive tourism.
Participants also initiated discussions for the formulation of the CAREC Tourism Strategy 2030. Miras Tulebayev, acting chairman of the Committee of the Tourism Industry, Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan, opened the workshop. Safdar Parvez, director, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division (CWRC) and Giovanni Capannelli, country director, ADB Kazakhstan Resident Mission, welcomed the participants and moderated sessions of the workshop.
Promoting tourism cooperation is one of the new operational priorities of CAREC 2030. The technical assistance supporting tourism development, co-funded by Department for International Development, was approved in August 2019.
Key Documents
Presentation Materials
Session 1a: Regional Technical Assistance Project: Sustainable Tourism Development in the CAREC Regions | РУССКИЙ
Session 1b: Tourism: Global and Regional Outlook | РУССКИЙ
Session 3: Developing a CAREC Tourism Strategy 2030 and a Regional Tourism Investment Framework 2021-2025 (Breakout Session) | РУССКИЙ
Session 3a: The Greater Mekong Subregion Experience in Formulating a Regional Tourism Strategy | РУССКИЙ
Session 3b: Tourism and Development of Economic Corridors | РУССКИЙ
Session 3c: Livable Cities—An Integrated Approach to Tourism and Economic Development: Lessons from Georgia | РУССКИЙ
Session 4a: Institutional Structures for Tourism Development in CAREC | РУССКИЙ
Session 4b: Institutional Arrangements for Tourism Development: A Framework and Cases | РУССКИЙ
Session 4c: How to Implement a CAREC Tourism Strategy and a Regional Tourism Investment Framework 2021-2025 (Breakout Session) | РУССКИЙ