CAREC Webinar on ePhyto Solutions to Support Digitalization of the Export/Import Process in Azerbaijan and Georgia

Facilitating trade through digitalization is a key priority under the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030. On 30 July 2024, the webinar highlighted the benefits of exchanging phytosanitary certificates electronically through the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)’s ePhyto Solution. The webinar noted the progress of CAREC members—particularly, Uzbekistan as the first CAREC member to exchange ePhytos in 2021 and Pakistan with the successful integration of its national single window with the ePhyto Hub in 2023. ADB’s Country Director for Azerbaijan Candice Mcdeigan  welcomed the strong interest of Azerbaijan and Georgia to participate and expressed ADB’s continuing commitment to support CAREC members in leveraging digital solutions. Experts from the IPPC, UN International Computing Centre, and ePhyto Industry Advisory Group shared their insights and technical advice. Azerbaijan and Georgia appreciated CAREC’s knowledge-sharing platform, the opportunities for bilateral or regional cooperation, and capacity building to accelerate their national systems’ participation in the global ePhyto system.

Key Documents



ePhyto Solutions (English)

Overview of the IPPC ePhyto Solution (English, Azerbaijani)

Launching the Future: The Inception of the IPPC ePhyto Solution Project (English, Azerbaijani)

UNICC – Digital Tools (English)

Pakistan Single Window Integration with ePhyto Hub (English, Azerbaijani)

Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation – ePhyto Upscaling (English, Azerbaijani)

Exploring the Value of ePhyto: Insights from the Private Sector (English, Azerbaijani)

Related links

CAREC Conference on Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates

Expanding Agri-Trade in Central Asia through the Use of Electronic Certificates

Supported under TA 9712: Implementing the Integrated Trade Agenda in the CAREC Program, co-funded by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund and the PRC Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund (PRCF).