1st CAREC Climate Change Working Group Meeting

As part of the implementation of the Regional Action on Climate Change: a Vision for CARE (CAREC Climate Change Vision) endorsed at the 22nd CAREC Ministerial Conference on 30 November 2023 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the CAREC Secretariat is initiating the establishment of the CAREC Working Group on Climate Change (WGCC). The CAREC WGCC will focus on aligning Paris Agreement-related activities in CAREC’s priority clusters and cross-cutting thematic areas. It will serve as an essential platform to (i) coordinate and accelerate regional climate action in the CAREC region, (ii) share best practices and experiences on and identify priority sectors for climate change adaptation and mitigation, (iii) mobilize climate finance, and (iv) promote One CAREC voice on climate change agenda at global and regional forums such as the 29th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 29) on 11–22 November 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Key Documents

Agenda | RUS

Summary | RUS

Session 1.1 Transport: Climate Risk and Decarbonization | RUS

Session 1.2 Energy: Mainstreaming Climate Change across CAREC 2030’s operational areas | RUS

Session 1.3 Mainstreaming Climate Change Actions in CAREC Trade Work | RUS

Session 1.4 CAREC Water Pillar | RUS

Session 1.5 Climate and Health in CAREC | RUS

Session 2.1 Presentation by Azerbaijan | RUS

Session 2.2 Presentation by Kazakhstan | RUS

Session 2.3 Climate Finance Center as the model of climate finance coordination mechanism | RUS

Session 2.4 Supporting Energy Transition and Role of RE Financing Framework in Kazakhstan | RUS

Session 2.5 GCF Strategic Plan 2024-2027 (USP-2) | RUS