Workshop on Single Window Development for CAREC Trade and Customs Officials The workshop was designed to give participants a comprehensive picture of the single window development process and focused on the topics of: (i) Single Electronic Window, (ii) Integrated IT Platform for Trade, and (iii) E-Customs.
Seminar on Trade Development of Regional Agricultural Products in Central Asia The CAREC Institute, in partnership with the People's Republic of China's Ministry of Commerce, conducted the seminar to exchange ideas on best agriculture trade practices, and identify trade bottlenecks and constraints.
Joint Meeting of the Transport Sector Coordinating Committee and Trade Facilitation/Customs Cooperation Committee on CAREC The revised drafts of the CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy Report and the Action Plan for Implementation were discussed.
CAREC Customs Training Course on Tariff Collection Supervision With new managerial concepts and methodologies, the training course aimed to promote the capability of customs participants in conducting policy analysis and addressing practical issues.
CAREC Senior Officials’ Meeting (April 2008) The meeting focused on developments in the transport and trade facilitation sectors and preparation of an Implementation Action Plan for the Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy.
Seminar on Trade Logistics and CAREC Corridor Performance Monitoring The seminar reviewed the state of trade logistics in several CAREC countries and identified common issues or constraints related to further development.
Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Recent Developments and Outstanding Issues The seminar examined recent developments and outstanding issues in the multilateral trade liberalization agenda.
Eighth Trade Policy Coordinating Committee Meeting Delegates from the eight CAREC participating countries discussed a draft Trade Policy Strategic Action Plan, which covers vigorous pursuit of World Trade Organization accession negotiations.
Regional Cooperation and Integration in Central Asia under CAREC: The Road to Stability and Prosperity The seminar highlighted CAREC's role as a unique instrument for the countries of the region to work together with each other and partner multilateral institutions.
Third Regional Consultation Workshop on the CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy Delegates from all eight CAREC countries and representatives of multilateral and bilateral institutions reviewed and commented on the CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy.