Mongolia Energy Snapshot 2015

Power Sector Snapshot (2015)

Installed capacity 1,005 MW
Generation Mix Combined Heat & Power 87%
Diesel Genset 5 %
Hydro 3%
Solar & Wind 5%
Generation 5,376 GWh
Consumption 6,692 GWh
Export 33 GWh
Import 1,349 GWh
  • Generation, transmission and distribution unbundled
  • The power system of Mongolia consists of five (5) key energy systems with Central Energy System (CES) being the largest accounting for almost 90% of the energy generated in Mongolia
  • 18 state-owned companies involved in generation, transmission and distribution

Key power sector issues identified in the report (2016)

  • Most of the power plants are over 25 years old and require rehabilitation & modernization
  • Mongolia‘s energy mix is heavily reliant on coal for power generation (96% of power generated from coal). This will require emphasis to promote renewable energy resources in the country
  • Poor connectivity of the Western Energy System (WES) with the rest of the country (Specifically CES that accounts for 90 % of the generation). The WES relies on import of electricity from Russia to meet its energy demand

Source: ADB TA 8727: Study for a Power Sector Financing Road Map within