Health Supply Chain Management 101 Webinar
Supply chains are complex given the multiple functions (ie, forecasting, procurement, distribution etc.), various organizations involved (ie, manufacturers, shippers, governments, patients etc.) and geographical scope. Improvement in procurement and supply chain management activities has the potential to improve the availability, accessibility, and affordability of medicines within the CAREC region to assure sufficient supply and stocks, especially during emergency situations.
The first webinar, Supply Chain Management (SCM) 101 focusesses on the foundations of supply chain management and specifically within the global health context. The basics such as the functions of the supply chain (ie procurement, warehousing, distribution etc.), enablers (ie people, information, quality etc), and their interdependencies will be covered both for regular supply chains and specifically for global health supply chains . The webinar further explores opportunities for regional (cross-border) cooperation.
For further details on the event and key materials please click here.