CAREC Policy Dialogue on Regional Program for Control and Prevention of Transboundary Animal Diseases
Supported by KSTA 9500: Modernizing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures to Facilitate Trade, co-funded by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund and People’s Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund
Senior and technical level officials from 11 CAREC member countries responsible for policies, regulations of veterinary services, and border inspection participated in the policy dialogue to discuss regional initiatives in the prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases (TADs).
The policy dialogue supports the implementation of the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030 and specifically, the CAREC Common Agenda for Modernization of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures for Trade. Experts from World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) shared international best practices and initiatives.
Giovanni Capannelli, country director, ADB Kazahkstan Resident Mission, expressed ADB’s commitment to continue supporting CAREC countries as part of ADB’s Strategy 2030 particularly, to increase support for regional public goods and greater cooperation in areas such as health policies, sanitary and phytosanitary standards, and quarantine and to promote rural development and food security. He also mentioned initiatives in Kazakhstan to improve traceability of products and agricultural productivity and promote the development of economic corridors, such as those between Almaty and Bishkek, and among Shymkent, Tashkent, and Khujand.
Gulmira Issayeva, vice-minister of agriculture and chairperson of the SPS National Working Group of Kazakhstan, shared the country’s experience improving veterinary services, achieving foot-and-mouth disease free zone status and increasing access to export markets. She emphasized the importance of regional cooperation in the prevention and control of animal diseases and enhancing the region’s trade potential.
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International experts from the OIE, FAO, and the European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease shared experiences in implementing animal health programs in the region and provided technical advice, highlighting the importance of regional cooperation. Existing regional initiatives for priority diseases in CAREC countries (peste des petits ruminants, foot-and-mouth disease,and brucellosis) were presented.
Jun Xu, director of Animal and Plant Quarantine Division, Urumqi Customs, People’s Republic of China (PRC), presented a project proposal to establish a biosafety channel between PRC and Central Asia at the International Center for Boundary Cooperation in Khorgos zone, strengthening cooperation on notification and control of animal diseases, and cooperation on SPS border facilities to facilitate safe trade.
CAREC countries deliberated on regional initiatives to combat animal diseases, strengthening regional integration and facilitating trade. Proposed regional initiatives include harmonization and/or recognition of certificates and establishment of e-certification system; establishment of platform for document exchange; establishment of a platform for information exchange on disease surveillance, notification of presence, and prevalence of diseases; aligning laws related to trade in animals and animal products to OIE guidelines; strengthening border inspection and facilities; and improving capacity and response mechanism to manage disease outbreak.
The policy dialogue lao demonstrated good practices in the management of FMD-free farms in Kazakhstan.
Key Documents
Report on the Central Asian Bio-safety Channel Construction Aid Project | РУССКИЙ
Modernizing Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures to Facilitate Trade in CAREC | РУССКИЙ
Trade with Animals and Animal Products and the Role of Animal Diseases | РУССКИЙ
Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Roadmap for West Eurasia Region | РУССКИЙ
Progressive Control Pathway for Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PCP-FMD) | РУССКИЙ
Regional Program for Prevention and Control of TADs: Presentation of the Concept Note | РУССКИЙ
Establishing a Network on Priority Livestock Diseases in Central Asia (PLDCA) | РУССКИЙ
Country Presentations