Pakistan: National Workshop on Potential CAREC wide Free Trade Agreement and Training Activity on Preparing to Negotiate a Potential CAREC-Wide Free Trade Agreement
The National Workshop on Potential CAREC-wide Free Trade Agreement. The major objective of this Workshop is to raise awareness among a broad range of interested stakeholders, of the potential of the CAREC region and the benefits that a CAREC-wide FTA could offer. The Workshop is intended to launch a broad-based and inclusive public discussion on the topic and target a wide range of stakeholders at the national level – public, private, labor unions, civil society, and other interests.
Participants: Mid- and senior-level public officials responsible for trade policy in CAREC DMC, business chambers and associations, labor unions, relevant civil society organizations in Pakistan.
The training activity is being organized at the request of the Government of Pakistan and will take place following a National Workshop aimed at raising awareness among policymakers on the potential benefits of a CAREC-wide FTA.
Participants: Junior and mid-level government officers already working on the trade related issues in ministries and agencies of Pakistan.
Key Documents
Agenda for the FTA National Workshop
Agenda for the FTA Training Activity
FTA National Training Activity PPT-1
FTA National Training Activity PPT-2