Knowledge-Sharing Event: Single Window for Digital Customs Cooperation in CAREC

The Asian Development Bank organized a knowledge-sharing event on Single Window for Digital Customs Cooperation in CAREC in Tbilisi, Georgia on 8 June. Country presenters discussed their experiences in business process analysis and document standardization, which are critical for digital data exchange and shared key challenges and lessons learned in implementing a national single window system and its interoperability with other systems. Participants also considered specific areas of single window that should be prioritized for action of the CAREC Customs Cooperation Committee (CCC) framework. Technical experts from World Customs Organization, Korea Customs Service, and ADB shared knowledge on establishing a single window environment and shared best practices in data harmonization and cross-border data exchange. The workshop is in alignment with the CCC Workplan for 2023-2024 and the CAREC Integrated Trade Agenda 2030.

Key Documents

Agenda (English, Russian)

List of Participants


Session 1: Establishing a Single Window Environment (English, Russian)

Session 2: Implications of Single Window International Interoperability (English, Russian)

Session 3: ASEAN Single Window Experience (English, Russian)

Session 4: Data Harmonization and Exchange in UNIPASS (English, Russian)

Session 5: Georgia: One Stop Shop Principle (English, Russian)

Session 6: Azerbaijan Single Window (English, Russian)

Session 7: Pakistan Single Window (English, Russian)

Session 8: People’s Republic of China Experience on Single Window (English, Russian)

Session 9:

Country Experience on Single Window: Kazakhstan (English, Russian)

Country Experience on Single Window: Kyrgyz Republic (English, Russian)

Country Experience on Single Window: Tajikistan (English, Russian)

Country Experience on Single Window: Turkmenistan (English, Russian)

Country Experience on Single Window: Uzbekistan (English, Russian)

This event is supported under KSTA 9824: Better Customs for Better Client Services in Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Countries, co-funded by the Regional Cooperation and Integration Fund; the PRC Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund; United Kingdom Fund for Asia Regional Trade and Connectivity, and Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund.