CAREC Energy Sector Coordinating Committee Meeting (July 2010)
Representatives from the CAREC countries, CAREC multilateral institutions and other development partners, and international energy experts participated in the meeting. The objectives of the ESCC meeting were to
- update the initial activities under the CAREC Energy Action Plan,
- seek agreement on the subcommittee work program, and
- share experiences and build capacities among participating countries in the subjects of energy regulatory reform and power system operation.
During the meeting, the committee agreed in principle to formulate, monitor, and update a 5-year rolling program of priority CAREC energy investment and technical assistance projects. They were also briefed on Mongolia’s energy sector strategy, regional cooperation policy, investment environment, and projects pipeline.
The committee received an update on the status of the diagnostic studies on energy supply/demand infrastructure constraints and regional energy trade, and on phase 1 of the energy-water linkages modeling. Participants also discussed the proposed ESCC results framework.
Two capacity building sessions were conducted on energy regulation experiences in Mongolia and Kazakhstan, and system operation and regional market integration experiences in India and Turkey.
Event Materials
Key Documents
Presentation Materials
- Energy Regulatory Activity in Mongolia and Its Outcomes
- USAID/EPRC Assistance in Energy Regulation in Mongolia
- Framework for Setting Energy Tariffs and Prices in Mongolia and its Potential Improvement in the Future
- Licensing and Monitoring Experiences
- Kazakhstan Regulatory Experience: Saving-Energy Resources: Tariff Policy Priority Area
- Power System Operation: Experiences in India
- Turkey: Transmission Network Operation and Interconnections for Regional Market
- Report on the Outcomes of the CAREC Senior Officials' Meeting in April 2010
- Energy Projects in Mongolia
- Energy Cooperation and Development in the Case of Mongolia
- Regional Diagnostics Study for Energy Demand/Supply Balance and Infrastructure Constraints
- Energy Demand/Supply Balance Infrastructure: Terms of Reference
- Central Asia Power System Study Update
- Regional Energy Markets Assistance Program (REMAP)
- Regional Dispatch and Regulatory Development: Work Program for Phase 1
- CAREC Results Framework
- CAREC ESCC Results Framework
- Energy-Water Linkages: Work Program for Phase 1