In-Country Consultation Workshop: CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation in Tajikistan
CAREC focal points, key government officials from customs, trade, and transport, and representatives of the Association of International Automobile Carriers in Tajikistan joined the Asian Development Bank in a consultation workshop on transport and trade facilitation in CAREC. Discussions focused on three main topics:
- development of cooperation in transport and trade facilitation under the CAREC program;
- a proposed regional project on border crossing points improvement and single window development; and
- trade facilitation plans and events in CAREC for 2010.
Negmatjon Buriev, CAREC National Focal Point, and Makoto Ojiro, ADB Country Director for Tajikistan, were workshop co-chairs. Ying Qian, ADB lead professional in regional cooperation, and Joseph Procak facilitated the workshop.