CAREC Institute Research Workshop

The workshop discussed the 15 research proposals (below) submitted by 11 participating institutes from CAREC countries. Resource speakers from Cambridge University, Harvard University, Oxford University, Thammasat University, University of Missouri-Kansas City, and University of Newcastle, provided valuable insights on four key research areas of the CAREC Institute Research Program, 2009-2011:

  • Structural Change,
  • Regional Integration,
  • Resource Revenue Management, and
  • Macroeconomic Policies.

The ADB team also presented results of their research work in these areas.

ADB Managing Director General Rajat Nag addressed the workshop to share ADB experiences on regional integration from South Asia and the Greater Mekong Subregion.

The workshop established communication between the local research institutes and the respective experts in each field. This will support close coordination throughout the preparation of the research papers.

Research Proposals


American University of Afghanistan


Center for Economic and Social Development

People’s Republic of China

Institute of Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)


Institute for Strategic Studies

Mongolian Development Institute

  • Possible Structural Transformation of Mongolian Exports and Imports in the Context of Cooperation with the PRC and Kazakhstan


Economic Research Institute

Public Policy Research Center

Kyrgyz Republic

American University of Central Asia

Investment Round Table


Institute of Economic Researches


Center for Economic Research

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Event Materials